Please read all details below before ordering

Your requests have been heard, we now have the option for purchase of North Idaho Volleyball Club fan gear!
We are partnering up with Sand Creek Custom Wear in Sandpoint for all of your gear needs. For right now there is limited selection available to purchase, see below.
Products and prices listed in the link at top of the page.
Currently we have t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodie sweatshirts and sweatpants available. Items shown in the photos are unisex options, you can request women's cut if you prefer. We may add more gear options at a later date, stay tuned!
You can customize any of these for additional cost to SCCW.
Please review the ordering through the link at the top of the page.
Do not send your orders to us at NIVBC, all ordering goes through SCCW via the link. Orders can be picked up from Sand Creek Custom Wear.
404 Cedar Street Sandpoint
They will process it and you will be able to pick it up from them at their Sandpoint location. If you want to try on any of the products before ordering you can stop into their store before ordering.
You will receive a bill from us at NIVBC for your gear purchased.
Late payment on invoices will have $5 per week late fee applied, please pay your invoices on time to avoid this.
Any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to us anytime!